The average household spends more than $2,200 a year on utility bills, with nearly half of this going to heating and cooling costs. Here are a few easy ways to get started on dramatically reducing those costs.
Note: If a Home-Energy Check-Up
is done and recommendations are followed through, homeowners can save up to 30% on
total energy bills!

Contact Us Now and learn what products are best fit for your home!
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Energy Saving Lighting

Dimmable, 3-way, flood and spiral compact fluorescent bulbs
LED Night Light - Lasts 100,000 hrs and only uses .0375 watts

Water Saving

Toilet Tank Water Savers
Low Flow Showerheads

Heating and Cooling

Programmable Thermostats
Natural Fiber Filters (Reusable)
Furnace Filter Whistle

Additional Energy Saving Products

Solar Screens
Attic Door Covers
Door Weather Strip in white, gray and brown
Door Bottoms
Door Sweeps
2 in 1 Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm
Dish Squeegee - Use less heated water and save money!
Wall Switch Plate with thermometer - use to monitor room temperature in each room of your home
PowerSav Energy Monitor - Use to monitor real-time energy usage in your home
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